
Cedarcrest Band Boosters is organized to promote the music education, activities and endeavors of the Cedarcrest High School Band. All parents, guardians or other persons with a child enrolled in Band and attending Cedarcrest High School, Parents or Guardians of Cedarcrest High School Band Alumni and Volunteers for the Cedarcrest High School Band shall be considered voting members of the organization.  Cedarcrest Band Boosters is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.

Latest News...

General Meeting, January 22nd

Meet in the CHS library or online at https://cedarcrestbandboosters.org/meeting

Cedarcrest Band & Choir in the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade, December 7th

The Cedarcrest High School Band & Choir is honored to be selected to march in and perform at the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade, which will be held on December 7th to commemorate the anniversary of the invasion of Pearl Harbor.   Led by music director, Dr. Dean Snavely, the band and choir have been working hard to prepare for this trip and we are so proud of all the work they have put in to represent our local high school and community.

WATCH PARADE LIVE, Saturday December 7th, 2024
You can watch the ceremony & parade live here: https://www.youtube.com/live/_hvd5SSemrU
Opening Ceremony begins at 6:15pm, PST  & the parade begins at 8pm
To find out details of the parade and lineup go here: https://www.pearlharborparade.org/the-parade

If you want to purchase the custom Hawaiian shirts that the Cedarcrest High School band and choir are wearing in the parade, you can purchase one of your own. Profits from the shirt purchases also support the band program.

To support the Cedarcrest HS music program and help provide more opportunities like this Hawaii trip, you can donate to
Cedarcrest Band Boosters: https://cedarcrestbandboosters.org/donate/

Parent Signup for Pep Band Game Dinners

Hello Band families! With basketball season coming up, band students will be asked sign up to play in the Pep Band at certain games, and the boosters organizes meal donations to keep them fueled on those evenings. These meals can be homemade or store bought and as simple or detailed as one has capacity for. It could be anything from pizza to sandwich trays to pasta in a crock pot to light appetizers. Just enough of something to keep them going. The feedback we have received over the years is that the kids love being supported in this way, and it also fosters nice bonding moments in their own community space.

Students will be getting the list of dates to choose from (you can see the list now on our meal sign up), and while they can always play at all the games, they will be asked to choose a minimum number of games at which to participate. There will be a call time at which the group for that night will practice together. Then they break for a bite to eat before the game. They usually also get 3rd period off and come back to the band room for a second round. More coming from Mr. Snavely on all of this.

Holly Jensen and Tara Bergman are coordinating the meal donations this year for the Pep Band, and we ask everyone please consider taking a date. It’s usually not the entire band at these events since they pick and choose games. We are starting by planning for 25 students per game, and that could change (more or less). We will do our best to confirm numbers as we receive them from Dr. Snavely.

In an effort to have some variety for students, we are offering a list of meal theme suggestions to pick from, or you can come up with your own. Repeated meals are ok. We are just trying to avoid ordering Red Pepper Pizza for every game.

* check out the sign up for the dates available: https://bit.ly/3CpMHon
* pick a date and list your food theme in the comments
* drop off your meal on the tables that will be set up in the hallway outside the band room by 6pm on your assigned date – please include any serving utensils or warming devices needed and label everything
* plates, napkins, and flatware will be there already, provided by the Boosters
* swing by the tables at the end of the game to pick up your items

Students are responsible for bringing their own refillable water bottle for Pep Band games. Drinks are not provided.

If you want to sign up but need help getting the food to CHS or help with picking up your items after, let Holly or Tara  know through the BAND app, and we can assist.

SPECIAL REQUEST: The first two games on the Pep Band schedule are 12/10 and 12/11, which is right after the Hawaii trip (we get back late on 12/9). It would be especially helpful if families who are NOT going to Hawaii take these first games, as those of us who are going to Hawaii will be running on fumes.

If you would prefer to provide financial support, you can donate to the boosters via their website. The boosters will be providing back up relief for unclaimed dates:  https://cedarcrestbandboosters.org/donate/

And of course, this is all voluntary for those who have capacity. We understand life is very busy, and you coming to cheer on the Pep Band at the games when you can is the best support!


Next General Meeting, Wed November 20

We hope to see you at our next General Meeting from 7-8pm in the CHS Library (2nd floor).  Or joins via Zoom, https://cedarcrestbandboosters.org/meetings/

Order See’s Candies for the Holidays

Order delicious See’s Candies gifts by December 6, 2024.  Gifts can be directly shipped to recipients.  The Cedarcrest Band Boosters will earn up to 50% depending on the product.  All funds raised go towards supporting the Band Program at CHS.  ORDER AT: https://cedarcrestbandboosters.org/sees 


Cedarcrest Band Boosters
PO Box 1374
Duvall WA 98019
Email: cedarcrestbandboostersduvall@gmail.com



BAND App:  Join our BAND app and connect with other Band Boosters, collaborate and share the latest news from CBB.
